You can start by looking in your home area for ways you can volunteer and support local Animal Rescue efforts. Click here to find local volunteer opportunities. Rescues and Shelters are always looking for volunteers to help. For instance, just walking them a few hours a week, playing with the animals or driving them back and forth to Vet appointments will be a huge relief. You can also help with administrative activities such as: Accounting, Website Design, Legal Assistance, or Marketing. You'd be surprised at the difference just a little bit of help would make!
Another option is to Foster a rescued dog, and offer them a temporary home. Fostering is a commitment that could be weeks, months, or years long, but by being a Foster you are saving the life of another dog. Fostering allows the Rescue to find more dogs at kill shelters who can then be saved, placed in the Rescue's care, and be adopted by loving families.
Even if you can't fly, sites such as Doobert.com offer opportunities for you to drive rescued dogs on their way to their new home. Visit the site to the left to register, and view opportunites near you.